Facilitator: Tobin Grimshaw

Co-Facilitators: Patrick Thompson, Alexa Hatanaka

Portraits, everyday life, documenting our group land-trips with elder Kov Tapaungai...together, the youth put on their jackets and took to the streets to prove that there is always something to do in Cape Dorset, and there is a whole lot that we take for granted if we forget to look. 

We would like to acknowledge the funding support of the W. Garfield Weston Foundation.

GROUP PHOTO STORY: Cape Dorset March - May 2016

The youth passed the cameras around so much that individual photographers can't be identified. A true collaboration.

Photos by: Janice Qimirpik, Johnn Samayualie, Susie Saila, Kevin Allooloo, Joanasie Tunnillie, Saaki Nuna, Salo Ashoona, Nathan Samayualie, Salo Ivaluajuk, Maryanne Taqiasuk, Cie Taqiasuk, Ezeevalu Samayualie, Harry Josephie, Moe Kelly, Josie Saila, Annie Oshutsiaq, Latch Akesuk, Ekuma Taqiasuk, Tommy Quvianaqtuliaq, Kelly Ashoona, Manumee Ragee, Oqittuq Parr, Jackie Kelly, Joseph Ashoona, Iqaluk Quvianaqtuliaq